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Old 10-01-2015, 06:35 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I'm a "just" overuser as well, and I try to remove it from my vocabulary too, for the same reasons Willferg posted. I'm a programmer and it's mostly men that I work with and for, and sometimes I have to challenge coworkers or even an executive's decisions, so I can't be wishy-washy in what I say in those situations. (Not to say it's a real problem for me; I believe that I am treated with just as much respect as anybody else but I want to keep it that way!) I probably still use it a lot in my non-work life without realizing it, but at work I try to be very aware of how I'm presenting myself. I have to pretend to be a professional and a grown-up at work, heh.

I USED to say "like" waaaay too much too. I grew up in So Cal in the 80's so I had a terrible "valley girl" accent when I was a tween and young teen. "Like, oh my god, TOTALLY!! And then I was all like, woooah! And she was all like, whaaaat? Like, we were totally, like CRAZY!!" Ugh! Seriously, that's how I sounded - I must have been so obnoxious to talk to! It took a lot of work but I think I've finally ditched that tendency. I say "dude" sometimes still, and every once in awhile some old childhood slang like "grody" or "gnarly" will work its way into a sentence but I let those stay. I can't deny my heritage ENTIRELY! LOL

I hear a lot of people say "literally" when that's not what they mean at all, and that bothers me and I'm often tempted to say something about it.... "Your head LITERALLY exploded? Wow, you must have an amazing plastic surgeon, your head doesn't look blown up at all!" (But I don't say least not out loud, LOL)
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