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Old 10-16-2015, 06:00 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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My Janome came with a knee lift and my dealer swore I'd love it but I couldn't get used to it, it was just in my way and I could never remember to use it once I got going so I eventually gave up and stored it.

But I don't use just one foot to sew - when I'm sewing a lot my ankle & foot gets tired so I move the pedal over to the other foot and keep sewing. When I come back to the sewing station the pedal might be on the right or on the left, I just use it where it is until that side gets tired and then switch. Doesn't seem to make a whit of difference and I don't even think about it, my feet just automatically find the pedal and know what to do.

Maybe that comes from years of driving a stick? I'm used to working pedals with both feet.
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