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Old 11-11-2015, 09:09 AM
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 15
Smile Howdy from South-East Texas

Hey everyone, I am Steve! I live in south east Texas and just recently started sewing on major project (for me). I know it is a bit odd for a male to be seen anywhere near a sewing machine, or wandering around the fabric aisles at a local shop for that matter, but here I am! The closet sewer!

I have tinkered with some minor projects in the past like pillow cases and a blanket-kit for my kids, but just recently started on a quilting project. I have seen a few of the posts from other members that stated that they love to help the beginners, so I am hoping you can all share your knowledge with me!

Just as a bit of background on me - I am a free-thinker and technically inclined, yet some would call me artistically challenged. I love to work on projects ranging from remodeling the house to maintaining numerous fish tanks but when it comes to sewing, I am just grasping at cards and trying to figure out techniques that work for me. I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel not long ago and may have surgery in my very near future, so that is a bit of struggle for me as well, but being able to sit at the table and create something is exciting for me, even if it is as simple as the miniature Kleenex covers I dabbled with over the weekend.

My wife is supportive and provides the encouragement I need (even though she thinks I am a little nuts) and patiently accompanies me to the store and gives me ideas and suggestions. Both of our grandmothers were into sewing; hers by hand and machine, mine by hand only (a machine was a luxury she could not afford), so my wife knows a bit but is not interested in the actual activity herself.

I know this started to turn into an autobiography, so I will just stop while I am ahead and await some feedback.

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