Old 11-25-2015, 06:32 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Manassas, VA
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I was hesitant to start a Facebook profile since I'm not very computer literate, but I am very glad that I did. I even bought a book called Facebook for Dummies, but never needed it.

It's not possible to keep up with everyone that I care about any other way.

I get my news from there. When we had an earthquake, I found out within a few minutes that the epicenter was 80 miles away and could be felt from Canada to Georgia. A missionary that I was supporting in Bolivia knew about it too from Facebook.

I can keep up with my swing dancing friends, my skydiving friends, my relatives, my church friends, my school friends, etc. I don't post things often myself, but I love to see what is happening in other friend's lives, and it's sweet finding out about quilting deals.

I limited who can see my posts through the security settings. I would really miss it if I didn't have it.
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