Old 11-30-2015, 02:36 PM
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Cuenca, Ecuador
Posts: 36
Default Aunt Martha iron on transfer won't come out

I used an Aunt Martha iron on embroidery transfer for a hand embroidery project I'm working on and it won't wash out - do you know of any tricks I can try? The transfer is a pink/red dye and I put it on a white cotton fabric. My embroidery floss is also white. It is a large flowered piece I want to use as the center for a patchwork quilt.

I rinsed it in cold water - no luck. I then hand washed it in mild laundry detergent - no luck. Then I tried dish detergent and scrubbed as much as I could without damaging the needlework - no luck. I tried some rubbing alcohol - no luck. I've had it soaking in very hot water with a little bleach and detergent for about 6 hours - it still isn't coming out.

I am hoping there is some kind of home remedy I can use because I live in Ecuador and don't have access to a lot of the commercially available products in the US. I've got a couple of hundred hours into the embroidery and am really, really hoping it can be saved.

Thanks for your help.
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