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Old 12-11-2015, 06:50 AM
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: North East England (UK)
Posts: 3

Thank you for all your suggestions. I have looked at AQS but nothing similar has come up. The Aboriginal fabrics are close, and are wonderful: the Vlisco site is brilliant too. I am off to Holland in the Spring, so will check that one out when I am there. The suggestion of taking a good photo and googling it is great - I will try that when I get my iPad charged up.

I opened up each pack to check on the selvedges - not one of them had anything printed on it. You usually expect a colour match/swatch test and the manufacturer at the very least, but not a thing. I have rung the shop again today and asked for the owner to call me back. Lets see if they do!
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