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Old 12-18-2015, 05:16 AM
Cactus Stitchin
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The gift wasn't all that offbeat but I do remember the year I gave my boyfriend (now DH) an air compressor for Christmas. I stopped at Sears on my way home and carefully considered all the options and finally settled on the one I thought would work - after all what did I know about air compressors. I remember that when they brought the box out that it was the first time I thought about how I would get it home! It took about 30 minutes to load the dang thing - tried the trunk and it was too big for that - and ended up laying the front bucket seat down so the box was on the passenger side taking up both the front and back seats of the car. Whew! Got it home then realized I had to get it out of the car and hide it by myself. By the time it was out and I got it into the house I was sweating like a you know what and it was 9:00 p.m. My DH was working swing shift and was nearly out of his mind by the time he finally reached me since I should have been home way before that! Worst of all - when I gave DH his gift - he didn't think it was big enough and took it back for a larger one using his pickup of course! Of yes - my Christmas gifts included my very first cell phone!
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