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Old 12-28-2015, 05:07 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2014
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Here's how I did it (because I have so many PM's from everyone!)

It is four squares in the middle, and then the triangles around it.

I made it so my squares were 12 x 12 each and then just played with the math on an excel spreadsheet to figure out how to do the calculations of the width / length of each block.

I used fat quarters and cut all four at once

Put purple first, then orange, then purple, then orange then cut from left to right (add 1/2 inch to EACH measurement so it ends up 12 inches)

3 inches wide
2 inches wide
1 inch wide
2 inches wide
2 inches wide
2 inches wide

and then did the same thing from top to bottom.

3 inches wide
2 inches wide
1 inch wide
2 inches wide
2 inches wide
2 inches wide

What you have cut is your pattern - take the first four squares and that is the TOP LEFT of the first one for all four blocks, then the second in the row, etc. alternating colours

I played with mine to get the look I wanted - when I had them all done, I didn't like the way it was in the middle, so I took off one row, and put it at the other end LOL

Then you need 2 more fat quarters to make the triangles for the edges.

I hope that explains everything!

And thanks so much for all the wonderful compliments!!!
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