Old 12-31-2015, 07:36 AM
Maureen NJ
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Location: Morris Plains, NJ
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Default Quilt suspension system for fmq questions

My mother had a sewing machine in a Singer cabinet in the 1960s but I have always had portable machines. For Christmas and my BD, I finally got a cabinet. It will make my FMQ easier. I read all the time about how great the quilt suspension systems are ( Leah Day, Patty Thompson, Jenoop, Here). Don't think I am snobbish, but I want my quilting room to be attractive to me. I don't think the PVC is attractive. I have a husband who does beautiful woodworking and we have an over abundance of black walnut so I wanted to have him make something to suspend the quilts. I have a window behind the cabinet that I don't want to block and so many of the QSS look like they would. I guess I don't really understand the function of the QSS so I was hoping those of you are are using them would help me out. Thanks in advance.

Long story, I know, but my questions are:
1. Does the whole quilt need to be suspended or just the 24-30" behind the needle?
2. If you put the horizontal bar low, about 12" above the table and back 24-30" with some slack in front of the bar, would that work?
3. In the case of #2, would you need to use short bungee cords with clamps or would draping over the bar be adequate?
4. How about a suspended system for holding the whole quilt, similar to a rack for drying sweaters. Would something like that work?
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