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Old 01-02-2016, 06:31 AM
Geri B
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
Posts: 9,018
Default New year/ new challenge

Ok, instead of a resolution that usually lasts about two weeks(at least in my case) let's do a personal quilting challenge. What have you not done because you are "afraid" of it? Curves - like drunkards path, hard patterns like DWR, paper piecing, etc. I have challenged myself each year, mostly so I don't get in a rut and it helps, plus I then feel good about accomplishing something new...even if it's only a potholder, but I DID IT, and can do it again without what's for this year? Mine is a bit off center- machine embroidery- not something I'm really into, machine is capable of doing it, so I'm really going to try to "get into it". Signed up for a class at dealer....we'll see. It will be different for me.
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