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Old 01-21-2010, 08:36 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Posts: 2,842

Use a food journal write down what you eat even if it is a piece of gum. put the times in. Do not consume more that 1800 calories and each week cut 100 calories until you can go down to 1400 or 1500 calories per day. divide your eatting into 3 meals and 2 snack. Snacks no more than 100 calories in total. Eat a snack 2 hours after your breakfast and 2 hours after lunch.
If you like dessert w/ dinner eat a jello w a tsp of cool whip, ricotta cheese (1/2 cuo with vanillla, almond extract or choclate chips 2 tsp w/ splenda 2 sweeten. A plum has 30 calories, kiwi and so on.

Snacks I eat are mozz. cheese sticks,laughing cow cheese w/ celery, med. apple w/ 8 almonds, tangerine w/ almonds, pear w/ laughing cow cheese, a smoothie watch calories, apple w/ natural peanut butter 1 tbsp and so on.

Journal your food intake thoughts and so on. Even if you overeat that day still right it down. you learn things about yourself and what causes you to eat.

If you plan to eat out make breakfast and snacks smaller but do not skip the meal. Do not consume more than 700 calories on an eat out meal. Remember you are trying to stay w/in 1500 for the day. Each meal Breakfast , lunch and dinner should be as clase as possible to 400 calories each leaving 300 calories for snack. So cut your intake at each meal and snacks and save your calories. the key to lossing weight is eat and keep hydrated.
Drink water amount 1/2 of your total weight now, so if you weigh 200 pounds right now you need to consume at the least 100 ounces of water (not soda, tea or any other drink) flavored drinks not included. Drink ice water helps helps rev up metabolism. Hot green tea also revs up your metabolism.

Just a few tricks I am using to loose weight :-D
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