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Old 01-11-2016, 05:37 PM
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I have talked to several people who are interested in having one of these workstands for themselves, both on QuiltingBoard and locally. If you are one of the QB followers that I have communicated with, I will be contacting you again soon.

There are a few improvements that I think I would make. After having used it for a time, these are things that, if building one again, I might do a little differently.

The first is the wood used for the base of the stand. The base of the first stand, the prototype that we have, is made from an ordinary 2 x 4. It had been around here for a long time. It just happened to be probably the driest 2 x 4 that I have ever seen. It is so light in weight that the odds of finding another one this dry are slim to none.

I have decided to try redwood for a stand base. It is a very loose grained and lightweight wood. It is also stable, resistant to warping and is easy to work with. Anyone building one of these might consider redwood for the base of the stand.

Secondly, I would use 5/16" bolts for the pivot shafts rather than the 1/4" that I did. I made the classic mistake of using what I had on hand rather than what was right and best. While the bolt size I used worked, it is loose in the holes of the square tubing. If a little off, the lock pin won't quite line up with the top and bottom holes of the stop disc that have to align with the holes of the upright.

This will make the pivot shafts a little stronger, too. A slightly larger piece of pipe would be used over the larger bolt at each end and the notches in the ends of the stand would be made slightly larger, to accommodate the larger pivot shaft (pipe) when rotating the metal frame and machine.

Lastly, one might consider making the wooden discs at the ends of the swing frame the same size. Janey has had occasion to want a machine on end, but with the handwheel down. The current size disc on the right is too small to hold the frame stable on the white circle. I didn't design for that and it is a change I am going to make to our workstand. Then it will stand a machine on end, either direction desired.

No pictures this time. When I get the redwood stand done, I'll post pictures of how it turns out.

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