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Old 01-12-2016, 10:03 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Default Ready-made roll up pie crusts

Without using any brand names, I'd like to know if anyone else is having problems with the refrigerated pie crusts that are rolled up and sold 2 to a package. Please don't tell me about a 'no fail pie crust recipe,' or any of that. I am not trying to be difficult, but I'm puzzled about the refrigerated crusts.
We bought a store brand and they looked and felt like plastic. Previously, they gave good results. So we then bought a national brand. Both crusts stuck like crazy to the pie pan. (I mainly make pecan pies.) So I thought I'd actually read the directions since I've been making them for years. It suggested flouring the crust before placing it in the pan, so I did that. WHAT A MESS! That was even worse than not flouring it. Plus, when I looked through the bottom of the glass pan, the whole crust had cracks all through it. Almost like the pieces were cut, placed in the pan, and then the filling. Weirdest thing I've seen.
SO...has the recipe changed on these or do you have any suggestions?
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