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Old 01-12-2016, 06:33 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Central New York
Posts: 507

Originally Posted by Pam H
Ooh, I could go for 56. It is below zero here today. Brrrr!
Don't know that I could only weigh myself once a month. I have done it every morning for so many years it is most certainly a habit.
I am so caught up in "Call the Midwife" on netflix. It is so good! It takes place in London in the 1950's. Good thing I have a tv in my sewing room and my DD gave me chromecast for Christmas.
"Call the Midwife" was very good! I watched a bunch of it last year while on the treadmill. That was when I had the most weight loss in my recent history! I didn't want to stop watching, so I kept walking. And it motivated me to jump back on the treadmill everyday so that I could watch more! I need to find another good program like that. Any suggestions for shows on Netflix?
I have a tv in my sewing room as well. It is a smart tv, so I get to watch youtube quilt tutorials. Love it - but burns no calories...
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