Old 01-13-2016, 01:09 PM
Jeanne S
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Tulsa, Ok
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So glad everyone is still plugging along! I got mine trimmed and the narrow gold border sewn on. White sewing it on I noticed I really whacked off some corners in the trimming--thought I was keeping pretty straight so must have had some wonky blocks or something. Oh well, the rest of it isn't perfect either!! Hope to get the outer black border on in the next couple of days then off to the long armer once I decide on backing!
Question about the borders (I don't normally do borders)--Bonnie said to join the narrow border strips on the diagonal which I did and made sense to me. But she said to seethe wider black border strips just straight end to end, not on the diagonal. Is this normal??? Just curious why one is in the diagonal and the other one is not??

ps: for the long armer I just trim major loose long threads, i don't spend the time to trim off all the fraying threads---and this top has tons of them!!! That would take forever. I try to catch loose dark threads that would lay behind a lighter neutral piece that might show through.

Last edited by Jeanne S; 01-13-2016 at 01:12 PM.
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