Old 01-17-2016, 09:15 AM
Mrs. SewNSew
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Originally Posted by joe'smom View Post
Christy, that backing is beautiful!
[QUOTE=sewbizgirl; MrsSewNSew, that backing couldn't be more perfect. Looks like it was made for that quilt top![/QUOTE]

Good! Thank you! It was one of those fabrics I LOVED in the store but got a bit worried about after I got home! I really do love the fabric though and I will love it on the MQ.

I am trying to do a quilt label for this but am aware that curved edge will change the dimensions of the corner. Did anyone else happen to see where someone made a label out of the Allietare star? I thought it was a really cute idea but am not so sure how to implement it. It would be 10 inches square in total and that seems big to sew on after quilting. Would you piece it right into the backing and quilt over it?
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