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Old 01-23-2016, 08:58 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Spring Lake, Michigan
Posts: 978

With all of this snow, do you need a laugh???
I live on the west coast of Michigan. "Lake Effect" snow can sometimes be a daily occurrence. My DH works out of town all week, so who has learned to operate the John Deere??? Our driveway is 750 feet long.
I got a 3 minute lesson a few weeks ago and have been on that tractor almost daily (it was fun the FIRST day). However we have received 6-8 inches almost daily---I do love the snow but----.
Picture this:
My DH is 6 ft 5inches. I have been wearing his carharts---the bibs come up to my collarbones, the crotch lands halfway to my knees and I have to roll up the bottoms about 8 inches so they don't drag in the snow. Mind you I have the directions on how to start the tractor and blower stuffed down the top of the carharts in the chest area (in case I get stuck or the tractor quits on me), but I can't read them without my glasses so the glasses sit on the top of my head. I also wear his snowblowing jacket because I don't want my nice coats to smell like the tractor... And away I go!
The neighbor says that we need another warning from the weatherman:
1. Tornado warning
2. Winter weather warning
3. Marcia's on the John Deere warning

Thank goodness that the cab in enclosed because all of that snow in my face would not work!!!
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