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Old 01-31-2016, 03:50 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: NH
Posts: 645

OK, last day of the month, time to reckon up! Thanks to your encouragement, I was able to resist the Thimbleberries' BOM. I did make one trip to JoAnns for backings and basics (muslin and Kona for backgrounds) oh and a bit for binding. However, 3 one-yard pieces of solids ended up in the cart because I have re-connected with the Project Linus group and want to make some quilts for them and didn't have many solids on hand to go with the prints in my stash. So, (I"m telling myself) I have a PURPOSE for the fabric I bought. Hope that counts to the good!! At least I just didn't go hog wild. Haha.
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