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Old 02-07-2016, 06:41 AM
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I babysat the grandkids last weekend. The next day both of them had wicked colds. They have given it to me, thanks guys. I don't have it that bad, just enough to make me stuffy and lazy. I dragged thru spinning class, luckily it was a sub teacher. The other one would have pushed me. I only rode 18 miles yesterday, on Saturdays I usually do 22 or 23. Then I went to do the machines and dragged thru them. I had a hard time finishing. I went to an outlet mall and finally came home to take a nap. I feel better today, but still stuffy.
We are going to a Super Bowl party today. Hope I can behave myself. It is a poker tournament followed by watching the game. Hopefully I can win some money today!
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