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Old 03-01-2016, 06:42 PM
ube quilting
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Before you remove the plants watch kitty to see if it is attracted to them for chewing. I only worry about cats getting thread in their mouths. keep thread bits cleaned up. The reason is that cats can't push stuff out of their mouths because of the nature of their tongue. They have to swallow and thread can be very dangerous for their intestines.

I have never had this happen to my kitties but I don't take the chance and sweep after every sewing session. My kitties have never been interested in my house plants but lots are. The dieffenbachia could be a problem but toxic plants are usually so awful tasting they will only bite at a leaf once and say no thank you to any more chewing.

If you are nervous about having your cat and plants share space, be cautious and remove the plants. You will feel so much better. Kitty will be a joy.
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