Old 03-31-2016, 09:20 AM
Jan in VA
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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"Your scissorscan be sharpened by cutting through several sheets of sandpaper - or they can be sharpened by a person who sharpens scissors." But it isn't wise to use a sharp tongue!

When hand quilting, try to make your quilting stitches even. If they are not even, that's o.k." Call it a design decision!

Hooped quilts don't have to be "tight as a drum" for stitching. They're not in the Army!

Dropping your cutters makes for dull blades or points. And often causes the color "red" to appear!

Tired eyes do not make energetic stitches.

Even when you are very careful in piecing, a "gremlin" often appears when you are nearly done. A glass of wine is quite helpful in getting over this event!

No fabric is too ugly if you just cut it up small enough!

You can have every quilting book that's published, but YOU will still have to make the quilt yourself.

When thread basting a large quilt, two friends chatting over the stitches makes the work much more pleasant.

Pins in their holder, pins in the piecing, pins in a basted top are really helpful; pins on the floor or in your comfy chair -- NOT SO MUCH!

It is better not to eat a Hershey bar while you are handquiltiing.

Sewing machines lovingly tended become your best tool. Name yours to show it how much you care!

Jan in VA (I could go on but I've got to get to the post office! )
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