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Old 04-09-2016, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by oksewglad View Post
So what did you learn in the art class, Martina?
We copied some line art upside down (the art - not us, lol). By having the artwork in a different orientation, the analytical part of your left brain will not be involved. Instead, the focus shifts to the right side of the brain for the outlines and lines in relation to each-other. Mine didn't turn out half bad.

Then we did some contour drawing (hand, hand holding an object) and some blind contour drawing. I sat sideways to the table and kept looking at my hand while drawing it (without ANY orientation on the paper). My hand looked only slightly deformed.

We also started a self-portrait. (I need to lose weight and get rid of my jowls). However, I will use this self-portrait method to make a quilted self portrait. I did take one of the classes on craftsy but the gal there (can't remember her name) used just basic shapes to create the portrait. I would prefer to use my special shapes to do that.
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