Thread: too much fabric
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Old 01-25-2010, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by samroberts01
Originally Posted by MistyMarie
The nice thing for me with my dh is that I tell him when I have as much fabric as he has bullets, then he can complain. (He NEVER has though.) Last night he walked into my fabric room and his eyes got really big. He just said, WOW! Looks like you got a lot of work in here to do, then walked out. Never a word about how much fabric. (I still have several more containers of fabric that haven't made it into this room yet to get organized.) Prior to this last month, I didn't really have any place to put my fabric where it could be organized, so my stash grew in large part because I didn't know where my fabric was, so I had to buy more when I wanted to do a project. Now, when I think about sewing, I can just walk downstairs and "shop" in my fabric room. Hallelujah!
Can I come shop at your house lol! You have more fabric than my LQS and I am not joking!
I want to shop there too! WOW
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