Old 01-26-2010, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
My mom complains... if that counts... i mean... she is the one paying so I guess she has a right... lol... and this jsut started too when I asked if i could get fabric... but she ended it with a we'll see... So I'm hoping to get money for my birthday so that I can pay for the fabric i need... plus other things... Plus, I'm hoping i get a job soon too! I have two habits i have to support... books and fabric!
Lol. It DOES count, Alu, because she is your MOTHER. That is a totally different situation than one's LIFE partner. Even if your husband/SO is the one paying, because the other partner doesn't work outside the home, the husband has to understand that this is a partner relationship, not a parent /child relationship. If the husband can't respect the other adult, contributing member of the partnership, there is a problem. (and the contribution doesn't have to be monetary.)

If you don't work outside the home but your husband EXPECTS to come home to a clean house, a warm meal, etc, then he is assuming he has HIRED HELP. He does. He HIRED it by marrying a woman who is not working OUTSIDE the home. But she is working INSIDE the home.

And, if her compensation is the ability to spend $5 on fabric without getting permission, then he needs to realize how darned good he's got it. Permission by definition indicates subservience...

(All of this is of course assuming the finances of the home can support the purchase, etc...)
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