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Old 06-23-2016, 11:04 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
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My cutting table is rarely clear. I swoosh and swipe things out of the way when I need to cut.

i have a Janome set into in its own table. At a 90 degree angle to it is my ironing table, same height, so the L shape works well for convenience and comfort. The table is a sturdy old kitchen table I bought at Goodwill for $30 and the right size for my needs (3x4 feet, I think?). I put my sewing machine in front of the window so I can spy on my neighbors--er, enjoy the view of the outdoors.

i have too much furniture. Largest piece is the queen size guest bed which I sleep in quite often since one of us snores.

My happy place is always evolving. but is 80 percent done to my liking. It's a generous 12x16 bedroom , so I can't complain. I don't need more space; I need less stuff. Next order of organizational business is to assess what I can do without so that I can put up a nice big design wall.

Last edited by zozee; 06-23-2016 at 11:07 AM.
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