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Old 07-15-2016, 07:58 AM
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by thimblebug6000 View Post
What a fun quilt! Are you quilting each row and then planning to join the rows? If you are, have you decided what method you will join them? Some of the Quilt-as-you-go methods require some hand stitching on the back.
It HAS been fun!! I've always thought of quilting as more of a social activity. Probably because my grandmother and her sisters used to get together once a year and spend all the time quilting. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention...sure wish I had. But I've really enjoyed it so far!

I have watched a ton of youtube videos on different ways to QAYG. The easier methods looked like I'd have some bulk at the joined area because they just stitched through the whole sandwich and then pressed it down. And others, as you said, required some hand stitching. And yet another way that included sashing (which I didn't think I was ready for). I ended up settling on one that went row by row by a lady called Candy Glendening. She quilts one entire row, then pins her next row, top fabric face down on top of the row already quilted. Then she pins the backing, face up on the bottom. Then she sews a 1/4" seam to attach the next row without the batting inserted to the second row. Then she inserts the batting and butts it right up next to the first row and quilts it. She uses fusible batting though, so I hope that doesn't affect it too much, since I'm not.
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