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Old 08-06-2016, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by SewingSew View Post
Don't get me wrong, I love the products--just don't love some of the prices. I am in New Hampshire, and oddly enough, the online store that I saw that price was a store out of New Hampshire. Not all of their prices were like that, but in my opinion, no fabric is worth that much. I love both new and vintage fabrics. In fact, I still have a several pieces from the 70's in my stash. I do most of my shopping at Joann's and try to use coupons and keep my eye open for sales. I haven't re-purposed fabrics before, but I am not opposed to it. When you consider how much money goes into a quilt, between the batting and thread and fabric, not to mention the notions you use, it can really add up fast. This is an expensive hobby!
I used to live in NH. I've gotten a lot of fabric from yard sales and rummage sales.
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