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Old 08-07-2016, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Peckish View Post
Why oh why do we feel that we have to justify what we spend on things that make us happy???? It's not like if we splurged a little on a lovely piece of fabric our families will starve, or we won't be able to pay the electric bill that month. I'm absolutely certain we are all responsible adults and manage our money wisely. I have NEVER seen a husband try to justify his hobby the way we do; in fact, most husbands go the other way and try to justify why they DO need something! So why do we turn into martyrs and deny ourselves the pleasure of splurging a little on some yardage, or buying a new book or new tool?
That's a very good question. Low self esteem? Training as children? My mom definitely felt that men were better than women and so deserved more. I fought that low self esteem a good part of my life. I've finally gotten to the place were I feel that I deserve things just as much as he does. It's great not to be a martyr! In fact, right now I have a car that cost almost twice what his did. For a car person that's a big deal! lol
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