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Old 08-07-2016, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Sandygirl View Post
I Agree!! I have also witnessed couples shopping for a sewing machine for her and HE is urging her to buy UP and she protests! I loved it when the man looked at the machine dealer and said.."She will take this one". I almost cheered out loud!!

I don't apologize for my expenditures. It is no ones' business...I have worked since I was 17. ( thank you feminists.). We are a two income family with zero dependents. We live modestly compared to Facebook posts.....we both love our hobbies. Truth be known, DH is the bargain hunter! Lol!
I'm amazed that people even take their husband's along to buy a sewing machine. I never do that! I want to browse and try the machine and ask questions. I don't want to have to deal with someone else being bored or trying to influence my decision. He doesn't worry about money as much as I do but he does think he knows more than he does about stuff. So I buy machines on my own. I even bought my last car on my own. I really didn't even need him there but it was only the second new car I'd ever bought so I wanted some moral support. I think he said one thing during the whole process! I'd already gotten them to knock $10,000 off the car so there wasn't much to do there!
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