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Old 09-08-2016, 09:03 AM
Jane Quilter
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Blue Ridge Mountians
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Originally Posted by Notwendy View Post
This board has been a great resource for ideas and encouragement. I am so glad I joined! My stash storage is a bit haywire at the moment. I had it all neatly folded but have not been good about putting fabric back when I pull to audition pairings. So I have ruler folded stacks, next to fat quarter stacks (folded every which way), next to yardage on boards, next to odd stacks pushed onto the shelf to get them off the table. I need to buckle down and refold it all.

I should also quit following links people post about shop closings or super sales. I've added approx. 50 yards just from two links and don't yet have plans on how to use the goodies. Plus, all the arm-twisting (ha!) makes it hard to cut or sew due to the bruising but doesn't seem to effect my on-line shopping. How odd! : )
I followed your great idea of following shop closings....I just ordered 40 yds of fabric in assorted fat qtrs to help build my stash.....may be soon I can make a real random scrapquilt. thanks for the tip.
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