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Old 10-12-2016, 02:53 PM
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Box Cutting and Folding Adjustments

The first box I tried worked, but seemed tight and hard to fold. I realized that I hadn't taken the thickness of the cardboard into account. So I tried the process again. With the next box, I did the following after the half sheet was marked and cut.
- Trim an additional eighth inch from both sides of the smaller flaps.
- Trim an additional eighth inch from both sides of the overlap section.
- Crease the fold of the smaller flap an eighth of an inch lower to allow it to fold and layer underneath the longer flaps.

These three things made the box fold together just about perfectly.

Adding Supports To The Box

The metal frame, sitting on its side, needs some kind of support within the box. I thought I'd use styrofoam pads at the corners of the bottom, but the upright posts need something additional. After some puzzling, I came up with these easy cut-and-fold supports made from scraps of cardboard I already have available.

(Frame Upright Supports)

(Frame Support Installed)

I've improved my styrofoam cutting skills, which started as ragged edges generating a lot of styrofoam specks that stick to everything. The little white specks can drive you nuts!

(Bad Cut)

By using short up and down strokes, much like a little saw, my cuts improved and generate very little residue. I've been cutting styrofoam wrong my whole life.

(Better Cut)

With corners made from styrofoam pads and the cardboard supports glued in, the box is ready for the swing frame, the central component of the workstand.

(Box Without Frame)

(Box With Frame)

When disassembled, the wooden base parts will fit easily in the space remaining in the box, along with the baseboards and smaller components.

I'm pleased with the box for the workstand. It's way better than the single walled box I would have bought pre-made. And I've learned a great deal about working with cardboard and styrofoam.

More soon,

Attached Thumbnails frameuprightsupports.jpg   framesupportinstalled.jpg   badcut.jpg   bettercut.jpg   boxwithoutframe.jpg  

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