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Old 11-10-2016, 05:21 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Tennessee, USA
Posts: 546

Received a lot of squares today -


Haven't opened them yet - we had a hectic day. Had our mini schnauzer at vet bright and early. Picked him up and met with vet, then went to see a friend who had double knee replacemet a few weeks ago. As I was leaving there husband called to pick him up from ER - after 43 years of being in all phases of the consntruction industry, he decided to try to cut off his thumb with a table saw - after retirinng. He was working on some cabinetry for a friend who has a cabinet shop and did somethig he told our son he knew better than doing it. Went to the bone, and left a kerf from the saw blade as it fractured the bone.

I cut my right forefinger badly 5 weeks ago today - so we are becoming frequent visitors to the ER - they used to know be by first name when our kids were home - went too many times to count. Dropped his RX by pharmacy and when I picked it up - it was for a type of drug he is allergic too - even after he told them twice about his multple drug allergies. At least the pharmacist, who knows me, called and after our 3 way conversation, got him something he can take.

Whew! just re-telling it tired me out - it doesn't take much to do that these days. My finger is still really sore and iI have put off cutting my squares - need to get on that soon. Dug through my tote and pulled out fabric - haven't counted to see if I pulled enough yet - some is scraps from another swap group I am in. Hope tomorrow is less exxciting. My dog is stll "drunk" - he is just laying on a pillow on my husbands lap, taking advantage of his "trauma". Because of his sensitivity to the aesthesia the last time he was sedated, the dr cut it way down, but 12 hours later, he still is feeling no pain.

Have a good night and thank you for mailing your packages!
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