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Old 01-02-2017, 12:22 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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I'm a breast cancer survivor, I don't like the hype of the pink ribbons nor am I fond of pink. A friend made a quilt for me in bold bright colors which fits my type "A" personality. I did not take it with me to chemo, the infusion centers have warm flannel blankets. The reason I didn't take the quilt with me is because chemo is pretty rough and I threw up often while sitting there getting chemo. I was told many people do that, doesn't matter if I had just eaten or ate hours ago. The nurses just take the flannel blankets off and replace them with fresh ones. Plus I really enjoyed knowing I was going home to my bright colored quilt and could take a nap. Every time I wrapped myself up in the quilt I thought about my friend who made it and all the fun times we had. Chemo for women puts us in instant menopause, so hot flashes came on loud and clear. My friend knew this and used one layer of warm and natural in the quilt, it was perfect.
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