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Old 02-02-2010, 10:55 PM
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I am happily gray. I have been gray since my first streak at 14. My gmother was silver at age 21. I would occasionally color my hair when people would comment about my age. My natural color was blackish brown. I started out as blue-black velvet and through the teen years it kept getting lighter, then in my 20's back to black with lots of gray highlights. People used to ask me where I got my hair frosted. Now it is solid silver, I'm 52. I love my hair (the color) but it is also stick straight except for the cowlick on my forehead. Bangs always lie goofy on me. I can't keep any kind of curl but for a minute. I've always said I'm going to revert to my indian ways and wear it long and braided like my grandmother did.
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