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Old 01-26-2017, 08:18 AM
Janice McC
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I believe I'd count individual finishes. If you make three projects from one old top, I'd count it as three UFO finishes but it's what you think that counts.
Originally Posted by letawellman
As always, JuanitaBean, your work is just beautiful!!

My patterns for patchwork animals should arrive today, so I will quickly finish a couple of critters this week from two yardsale tops.

So, wonder how many UFO's should I count this way? I'll be using up two tops, but probably be creating about 7-8 patchwork critters. I guess it could be counted either way, and in a sense, one critter would be like one small wallhanging or perhaps a mug-rug, right?

I haven't been posting in this area much, as I've been covered up with customer quilts, but I HAVE been watching!! Perhaps we're off to a little slower start this year, but I think we'll pick up steam as the year progresses.
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