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Old 02-22-2017, 03:46 PM
Stitching Memories
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Festus, Mo
Posts: 2

YAHOO!!����. I figured out what was happening!! (I just put my quilting frame together this weekend).
How you know that everyone quilts in different ways. Ken Lund quilting frame is Awesome. I asked him to suggest a quilting machine that would be compatible with his frames. I knew that my SE-400 would not be able to quilt like I wanted to. He suggested the Juki. Following his advice I purchased a Juki 2010Q. I Love It!!! Thank you Ken Lund. Okay enough of that.
We followed the directions that were given. It mentions to put tracks on each side of the frames for the wheels to roll on sideways. When I started I noticed that it was getting hung up on the track, when that would happen it would then bend the needle (not knowing it) I would quilt and then the needle would brake. The Juki is very heavy and I feel that the weight was pushing against the frame to much causing it to bind up. I removed the tracks and haven't broke a needle!! Almost done with the quilt. Had to stop to make dinner.,
So for those of you who wish they could have a long arm quilting frame to do quilts and the price is out of reach, check out Ken Lund quilting frame on You Tube. I have been looking for long arm machine with the frame but they were way out of my price range. Looked at used ones, wasn't comfortable with that because I didn't know much about them to know what I was getting. Ken Lund is very helpful when you have questions. I give him 5 stars!

Blessing to everyone.
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