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Old 04-01-2017, 02:25 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: SF Bay Area
Posts: 531

Bravo to you for taking this very important step, you can do it, truly. You CAN!

I quit and my daughter said then why don't you throw out your cigarettes mom? So I took my 2 fresh packs and broke them all & put them in the trash. Then she said are there anymore you have? I said no. She said, Liar! I can see a pack sticking out of your purse So then she had me break those up.

Remember the benefits. You aren't going to *automatically* gain's not a sentence!
Your breath, your car, everything will be sweeter, your skin will glow, your tastes will sharpen, you save $$. You won't pollute. You will breathe so much better.
You will also think about having a cigarette, and that's okay. Thinking about it is fine, just not doing it.

True story. One day after I quit I was out for a walk and I was feeling very low and thought, I wish I had a cigarette now. (As if that will EVER change anything for the better...) I hadn't taken 2 steps when I looked down and there was a whole cigarette on the sidewalk, not damp, all fresh, someone must have dropped it a few minutes before. Such luck! And I started laughing at this comical universe which is so ready to test my resolve at every turn: I stepped over it and walked on, very much happier because I could resist.

You are doing the right thing, replacing a negative with a positive. At times you will want to smoke, but you will have power. And more power after that, & more power to you!
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