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Old 05-18-2017, 01:38 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I like mine oversized, but I don't have a specific size and I often use scraps for the whole shebang so they're all a little "unique". They kind of end up whatever size they end up - most are probably around 8" square.

If they're too large and getting into food (which does happen) I just fold them in half or fold down a corner and use them that way. My mom always had tiny potholders and I hated them, so I make BIG ones!

I make square ones or sometimes slightly rectangular ones. Mostly because that's easiest, and I consider potholders to be utility items, so I don't really fuss with making them special. Sometimes I will even just add a new "cover" to one that's gotten stained to the point it looks unsanitary, or a burn that has exposed the batting. I'm either lazy or thrifty, you decide! LOL
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