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Old 05-18-2017, 06:33 PM
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Thank you for the good luck wishes and prayers everyone - I should find out tomorrow about the job. In the meantime, I had a few other calls today for other opportunities - some of them paying more, some paying less, some closer (OMG, I would LOVE to not have an hour commute!!), some about the same distance, some of them contract work (average 12-18 months) some permanent. So, I think I can expect something to come along very soon.

Krystyna, you have my prayers. Diabetes is a very insidious disease that just does not get all the attention it needs for funding and research. I'm NOT saying that cancer, etc., research is not important, it's just that a lot of people don't realize that diabetes is somewhat of a "gateway" disease that tears you down so you become more susceptible to other illnesses. Diabetes is rather prevalent in my family tree, but I actually have the opposite - hypo-glycemia - which has it's own set of issues to deal with as well.

And Krystyna, about the "thank you's"... oh honey, don't hold your breath!! If they haven't responded by now, they're not going to!

My sister-in-law asked me yesterday would I make a baby quilt for her new great-grandbaby. I told her I could make a custom one, at cost (not charging her labor) and told her the average price; I also showed her the Dr. Seuss that I'm almost finished with (it's nearly a twin size), and I showed her a wall hanging that I have. Again, I told her my cost as the price. "Well, I'll think about it," and she kind of turned her nose up in the air. I don't know, maybe she expected me to GIVE IT TO HER for FREE?!?!? Sheesh, and here I am, out of work, and she's getting 8-12 hours of OT every week.

You just cannot please some people.
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