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Old 05-19-2017, 06:55 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 31
Default Input/Guidance Please for an idea

Good Morning Everyone,

I am more of a lurker, and definitely a newbie when it comes to quilting (haven't finished a project yet). However, I so enjoy reading this board and seeing all the beautiful projects and the great support and encouragement that everyone gives to each other. This is truly a positive place with positive people!!!!! So, I am hoping that someone can give me some input or help me bring an idea to life. Some backstory:

I have a 10 year old DD who is a competitive dancer. She has been competing since she was 3 (only because her sister was doing it and she wanted to try it - now her sister does not do it). Dance is her passion in life at this point. She eats, sleeps and breathes dance. Our dance studio is like a family in many respects. Many of the older girls are a big sister to her. There is one in particular - G, a junior in HS - who has been an encouragement and a help since DD has been very little. Unfortunately, G lost her mother this last November very unexpectedly. It has been a painful time for our entire studio as her mother (who was also my friend) was the epitome of a kind and caring person on this earth (closest thing to an angel I have ever seen).

Last summer we were painting the studio and we were cleaning out OLD costumes. My DD found an old pair of lavender velvet costume pants that had been G's and G gave them to her. These pants are HIDEOUS and we all laughed at how funny they are. My DD loves these pants and wants to wear them to bed all the time. G thinks this is hilarious and we were joking last week about it because I told G that she will be getting them back one day soon.

So -- finally -- my idea. Since G will be a graduating senior next year, I would like to make her a quilt and incorporate the pants into the quilt. Ideally, I would like to take the pants apart that the seams and have the front of the them on the front of the quilt and the back of the pants on the back of the quilt (maybe applique?). Does this sound weird?? Does it sound doable???

Thanks for reading this far!!!

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