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Old 05-22-2017, 08:50 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 353

Originally Posted by coopah
some folks should take a shower in a shower with running water and soap instead of slathering on perfume and scents to smell decent. Also, I can't handle the strong scents from some candles/room sprays and have to either go outdoors or leave.
I know what you mean, in stores I sometimes have to go about shopping from the other side because of someone taking a bath in perfume. And laundry aisles are the worst, I have to plan my purchase, if they have moved it or it's not where it was, I call an employee to help. I told relatives I can't do floral of anything so they quit burning candles and went to plug in's. Those are 10 times worse, just read some of the warnings. They wax walls, fabrics, clothing, etc., they can also cause asthma and many other problems. Scary, had a fireman tell me they cause fires. (relatives won't believe me, sigh)

When hubby had hand excema about 10 years ago, dermatologist told him 'scent' causes 80% of allergy problems, all fragrances are suspect. You can be fairly safe, but not totally, with ESSENTIAL OILS, not fabricated 'scents.' So we unscented our daily routine 'scents.' Laundry soap, bath soap, no colognes or perfumes. I used my unscented bath soap slivers in water, to make my own handsoap. When it melts, I stir it good, make it thin and pour it into a container that pushes out liquid soap. I have to wear a mask to use cleaning products sometimes, why can't they put essential oils in this stuff if they feel the need for scent. Fragrance oils are horrid. What is wrong with clean just smelling CLEAN. As I have gotten older the allergies have progressed. So if I can't deal with someone's house, I just quit going, when they ask why, I tell them. Love you to death but your home could mean death to me. I do use some candles in my home, but they are never lit, just open, French Vanilla, cinnamon, maple, apple and my favorite is sugar cookie. To me, those unlit wax cylinders are overpowering to me if I have too many. Am so happy 'scent' problems haven't taken over food scents, yet. LOL When out for a walk in the morning the worst scents are Gain and Tide detergents or Downy and Bounce softners. Yep, I can tell what laundry products the neighbors use. So much for the clean open air...........
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