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Old 06-07-2017, 02:27 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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Lately, I don't know if it's worth even getting back on the wagon. Here's some ideas for exceptions:
1. Doing a group project and my stash doesn't go with everyone else, so needed to purchase and even those weren't right, so now gathering from others and considering purchase. I even tried dying some of mine, buzz.
2. Stressed out trying to finish projects -- that's stress relief.
3. Waiting in line for help with my group project (maybe I shouldn't do group project again)...yeh... my turn & someone takes cuts..... I was frustrated to the max. Should have gone shopping....less time than stewing all day. But then addiction to purchase just creates a different problem and doesn't help me learn how to control myself....oh this is way to healthy.
4. It's a long way to any LQS and I forgot the project at home, so I'l just buy a little of everything that might work... I like them all anyway.
5. Hey! if traveling is an exception, can I use that everytime I go 60 miles, into Fresno. Let's see, that's 1-2 x/w.
6. I'm not purchasing as much as I'm using.
7. Updating my stash.... 10+yr old fabric out and new in (lesser amount)

Like I said,"Lately, I don't know if it's even worth getting back on the wagon." Maybe I'm not ready. But I have reduced stash by ~200yds in the last 2 yrs. The shelves aren't stuffed and sagging anymore. And there's one empty shelf. I think stopping this addiction is a lot like loosing weight.....can't go cold turkey. Yet, I do need healthyier habits. And one is to get off the computer. Bye.
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