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Old 08-01-2017, 12:50 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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Originally Posted by Stitchnripper
I started when my baby brother was born. I was 8 going on 9 - by the summer he was 8-9 months old and I was 9 1/2. Every morning I got him up, changed his double diapers, dressed him, made his cereal and bottle, cleaned him
up, put him in his big baby carriage and walked him around the neighborhood until lunch time. Most days the weather cooperates. By then my mother would be awake. I have a middle brother and I took care of him too but was too young to change his diapers when he was little. He didn't want to come on the walks. He didn't get in trouble while I was walking and my mother was sleeping.
Yes, I remember the baby carriage and baby stroller expeditions I used to take my baby siblings on, too. I would have been around age 11 or 12, at the time, and a friend had a baby sister, so on weekends we'd go for walks to the park pushing our baby siblings in their carriages or strollers.

Friday nights were the big one for me when it came to babysitting and caring for siblings, as mom and dad always did their shopping on Friday nights. Double diapers applied in our house, too, and not just at nighttime, and plain old-fashioned white rubber pants.
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