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Old 08-09-2017, 08:18 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
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Such lovely UFO finishes everyone. I like them all.

I found out today, I'm getting back 2 quilted UFO tops from the long armer on Saturday. I'm so excited. ��������I'm getting another quilted top back, but I can't remember if it is an UFO or not. It's really bad I can't remember what I gave her 2 weeks ago. I will just have to sew the binding on these quilts. I'll post pics when I have the binding sewn on the quilts. I will also give her another quilt top that is not a UFO to quilt for me. I just have to change 12 blocks to get the pattern I want. And put it back together and add 2 borders. I put my BHMQ 2016 together, but I don't like it at all. The yellow blocks overwhelm the design. So I'm taking it all apart and taking the yellow blocks out and swapping it with something else. Unsure what the other fabric is though. I reallly do love the pattern and most of the colors on her mystery this year. So I'm very motivated to get this top completed. Oh I finished my RWB table topper. Will post pic soon. Well that's all my UFO news for now. Happy sewing everyone.
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