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Old 02-09-2010, 04:27 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by MadQuilter
WHy do you think your family is making that suggestion? Do they think you are lonely? Is it only because their lifestyle is so different from yours and they cannot understand you? Or is there more to it?
There is no more to it other than they are all out-and-abouts and I never have been. I'm the "odd one". I let my hair go white and my mother, 75, still has hers colored. We're the barefoot family and everyone else wears shoes. I used to do crafts with my kids and my mother thought I should be cleaning my house.

One sister has a camp in ME and my mother and other sister and their friends always go up. To me, hanging around talking about the same old thing and eating and drinking all weekend is not fun, I'd rather be sewing or working in the yard or doing something productive. I like to relax too, but not like that.

That's all. :)
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