Old 09-14-2017, 05:20 PM
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Location: Horse Country, FL
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Paintmejudy, family and homes are fine and we are so thankful! It's just the electric. We have some damage on other property, but it doesn't affect anyone but us for cleanup. Just Jan and Jaba..you are lucky ducks to have the electricity back on. The power company tells us Sunday. We'll see...our power company (there are more than one) has many, many trucks and workers. They are working 16 hour days and sleeping in a tent. Whew! I do admire them. Fortunately, they are having meals provided at the camp. Not sure what they do for the noon meal, but whenever they get it done, I will be so thankful. No water...means no flushing!! Our friends tell us we can use the pool water until it is all gone! Many, many helpers during this storm.
I hope to ride along on this mystery. Always fun! :-)
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