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Old 09-27-2017, 06:44 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,037

Great job everyone on your buys and others for not buying. Madquilter, you did not but enough on your trip.
LOL. I bought some fabric.

I went off the wagon last week. Went to a lqs that I haven't been to in a while. They now have lots of batiks. I will have to go there more often. I bought 5 yards of background batiks and 10-FAQs batiks all on sale, 15-25% off. I plan to use most of this fabric for a new QAL that started last week. I'm only 1 weeks behind. It's Debbie's - fall evening QAL. We have a thread here on this site that was started this week. It's a weekly QAL. 1/2 of the fabric was from my stash. So a 50/50 on this project.

On my birthday month I plan to buy fabric for a crafty BOM 2017. I really like the quilt top. Free pattern. Some of the smaller fabric will come from my stash. Again batiks.

I'm still going through my sewing room, reorganizing, moving numerous boxes downstairs. Found lots of UFO's and PIB (bags and boxes), lots of fabric with patterns that were not started, but I want to start. Curious, what do you do with quilt magazines in good condition that you don't want any more? I'm trying to downsize and really don't want to throw them away. Some are over 20 years old. I have boxes of scrap fabric. Fabric I really like. This year I'm going to start making more scrap quilts from these scraps. While going through my sewing room I noted I need more backing fabric for my projects. I figure I'll be done within a week. So back to sewing I will go. Yea!!!

have fun sewing and staying on/off the wagon everyone.
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