Thread: Quilt Labels
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Old 10-28-2017, 06:05 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 180
Default Quilt Labels

I just completed two lap/couch quilts as gifts, one for a dear friend who lives out of state and the other for my wonderful daughter-in-law (I will try to post photos at a later date once the quilting is done). One is a log cabin using sweet, soft and feminine florals, and the other is a rail fence pattern using metallic prints -it is definitely eye-catching. I love the process of designing a quilt, choosing the patterns, fabrics, etc. and the piecing process. I usually do my own quilting, not always easy on my Brother SQ 9185, but my quilting skills are limited to stitch-in-the-ditch and a wavy variant thereof. I've yet to get the hang of stippling, even though my machine came with the foot to do this. Anyway, These two quilts are just too nice to be subjected to my limited skills, so I have decided to have a friend (and quilt-group associate) quilt them on her long-arm. I had taken these to "show and tell," which my group does during a break during our four-hour sewing sessions. To my surprise, a couple of our members insisted I must put a Label on these quilts. I have never, ever considered putting labels on any of my quilts and, consequently, I don't have any. One member thought it was important enough that she said she'd make embroidered labels for me. SO, my question is this: Do You put labels on your quilts? If so, why do you do so, and do you do it for all quilts or just some of them?

Thanks for your input!

Last edited by QuiltnNan; 10-29-2017 at 04:08 AM. Reason: remove shouting/ all CAPS
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