Thread: EQ8 Upgrade
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Old 10-29-2017, 09:43 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: East Kootenays, BC
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Originally Posted by Sheri.a
Kari Schell has beta tested EQ8. Here is her website and review:

I plan to upgrade later this month.
I'm not sure I could count on her opinion on this as she is not unbiased. However, having a look at her site reminded me of her offering a learning program for EQ7 which seems she has adjusted to EQ8 now that it's out. I'm interested in knowing if anyone has tried her 10 minutes/3 days a week program lessons and what the feedback is. $30/month seems a little pricey, but if it got me to where I can be successful in getting what I want out of EQ8, it might be worth it. Comments?
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