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Old 11-29-2017, 07:00 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
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A fact of my life:

In almost every situation - there are some that are "better" than I am - and there are some that are "worse" than I am.

I have finally reached a point in my life (I'm 76 now) where I do what I can - if I want to and/or need to - and what others do or have - is their business.

There are some things I think I am comparatively good at and that are comparatively easy for me. But I have had some years of opportunities to practice! And there are other things I have no clue about.

My thoughts on classes:

If an advanced person has signed up for an "easy" class - that person should let the instructor do the teaching. (Although some people do have the knack for asking a question that can help clarify a technique. But please let the instructor do the HST's his/her way while in the class!!!!)

It the class has been promoted as being "advanced/difficult/challenging" - then - while I would not actively discourage a novice from taking it - I would resent a novice holding the others back.

For most people, it makes sense to learn beginning algebra before taking a calculus III class.

I feel that way about sewing - at least know how to use your machine if the class is for anything other than "learn how to use your machine".

I do feel cranky about someone not being prepared for a class. Including the instructor.

I don't have that much extra money (or time, either, for that matter) to want to waste it on someone making excuses for why they don't have what they need with them.

Bottom line: If/When I sign up for a class - I want to learn whatever it is that I signed up for - and I'm hoping that the others in the class want to learn it, too.

I am sorry if I am sounding like a grouch about this - I do hope that everyone enjoys the classes they take - and I do know that almost everyone will forget an item or two or not have been able to get it for some reason or another.

But still - please don't show up half an hour later for class - and your reason was "Oh, I thought the class started at 3:00 PM instead of at 2:00 pm - and would you mind starting over at the beginning?"

Of course, "stuff" happens - flat tires, the baby throws up, the babysitter got sick, a fire, - but that is different from being "unprepared".

Last edited by bearisgray; 11-29-2017 at 07:08 AM.
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